Mon coup de ♥ de la semaine est assurément pour les glaçons fleuris du blog d’Edina Ronay, cette friandise floral vous permettra de savourer la beauté des fleurs dans vos cocktails !
Vous souhaite une belle semaine !
Mon coup de ♥ de la semaine est assurément pour les glaçons fleuris du blog d’Edina Ronay, cette friandise floral vous permettra de savourer la beauté des fleurs dans vos cocktails !
Vous souhaite une belle semaine !
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Oh !! C’est super beau !!
quelle jolie idée
Quelle belle idée!
Très jolie photo, et si on n’a pas de fleurs sous la main, on peut le faire avec des feuilles de menthe déjà
see… how about grabbing a michael kors watch, a tailored all saints jacket and a pair of highest heels ever. that would pecrfetly match the zara jeans and h&m white tee i already have high street and designer are a perfect match, eh?
otdomani sera su una tivvu del web il fisicodottlaureat corrado penna e rosario detto marciasi' si dibatteranno e rotoleranno sulle scie chimiche,o all'interno delle suddette.non link a la scienza marcia e sozza di quello pseudo professore.fine ot
IJWTS wow! Why can’t I think of things like that?
Ho postato un mio commento a questo argomento per sbaglio nel post sugli oroscopi, peto veniam.Paolo, se non lo cancelli lo copio e incollo qui e provvedo io stessa all'eliminazione.
The sager members of the governing left secretly know that they can not lift up groups, societies and nations as their utopian ideals demand. But unwilling to jettison their commitment to enforced equality, they achieve the equal outcomes by undermining those groups, societies and nations that have succeded and prospered
I still have a copy of the 1980 Scientific American article which projected a decline from 30Wp in 1980 to $3Wp in 2010 in a nice exponentially declining curve.And…that's how it worked out, and even a bit ahead of schedule.It's a striking example of the predictability of manufacturing cost reduction.